Prior To Service
Customer to prepare
Prior to your service:
- Please ensure general housekeeping is carried out prior to our service.
- Clear bench tops of food items, ensure loose items are cleared around the floor areas
- Most insecticides used by Ctrl Pest are considered of low mammalian toxicity and most internal sprays will be odourless, you can be present during the service. People cannot be in “immediate vicinity” of pesticide application.
- If a member of the household is pregnant or may suffer from respiratory complaints as a precaution it is advisable they vacate the premises for a minimum of 4 hours after completion of our treatment. This may also apply to babies and young children particularly those that are still at the crawling stage.
- Ensure all windows and doors are closed prior to and during treatment and until spray has dried
- For external treatments pets such as dogs, cats, rabbits and guinea pigs must be isolated away from the treated areas until all treated areas are dry.
- All washing to be taken off the clothes line.
- Our highly trained pest technician will complete a site risk assessment and provide you with a full inspection report, including recommendations for future prevention of activity to your home.
- Due to the complexity of some pest activity and treatments it is essential that an initial inspection and proposal is completed by our technical consultant. It is impossible to provide an over the phone quotation or proposal.
- Our professional service is tailored to your home, and our technician will assess the best areas and methods to treat for your home based on the environment and infestation levels found.
How to Prevent Pests
- Sealing entry points can help prevent pests from entering the home. Key risks are gaps around pipes, drains and common walls with neighboring properties. With many pests, the most effective way to control is to keep food and water out of reach:
- Store food in containers or in sealed plastic bags
- Clean all garbage and spills immediately
- Clean food debris from under refrigerators
or ovens
- Clean used dishes immediately after meals
- Remove pet food, water and litter trays
- Keep garbage or compost in sealed bins
- Do not leave liquids in sinks or buckets
- Vacuum regularly
- Remove noticeable webs
- Fill in gaps in walls and under doors to
deter entry
- Remove sheltering sites like firewood piles
and compost piles from near your home